Thy Words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy Name, O LORD GOD of Hosts. (Jeremiah 15:16)
That is not a license to sIn, for that would not be sweet Words of rejoicing and the joy of our salvation, but would put Christ to shame all over again. We must walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, and how sweet that walk is when we are agreed and in unity with Christ.
Is your walk full of joy? Is your relationship with Christ full of rejoicing because you are called by His Name? Have you feasted on the manna of His Word to the satisfying of your soul?
If not, GOD calls you back to Himself. He wants you to be in right relationship with Him and to restore the joy of His Salvation to you. Surrender to Him on His terms once again and allow Him to renew a right spirit within you that you might once again give Him glory as He works in you to do His good pleasure.
If you are not one of His, if you have never received His salvation and been born again by faith in His finished work on the Cross of Calvary, GOD calls you to repent. Turn away from the sIn that separates you from Him and receive by faith His abundant and everlasting life. He wants to establish a covenant relationship of discipleship and fellowship with you that is everlasting. Believe Him today.
Rejoice in the Lord, and again I say, Rejoice.
In Christ,
Jefferson Sweet