What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. But Israel, which followed after the Law of righteousness, hath not attained to the Law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the Law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed. (Rom 9:30-33)
Whether Gentile, who when they do the works of the Law become a law unto themselves, or Jews who kept the Law because of their faith in the Lawgiver, we are all saved by grace through faith, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of GOD, not of works, lest we boast of what we have done to save ourselves, which we cannot do. And our faith must be saving faith, in the only Saviour, Jesus Christ, and who He is, and what He has done for our Salvation. It comes from GOD through the Word of GOD and is accompanied by repentance, not human sorrow at getting caught, or even temporary shame and guilt, but a true understanding of how all sIn is an offense and affront to our Holy GOD, who is without sIn, and has already declared all of us guilty and under judgment for our sIn.
Because of our repentance and saving faith, we who are born again from above, by the power of GOD and the presence of His Spirit within us, are to accomplish His work and will while we are here. We are His ambassadors, and are to represent Him to this lost and dying world, that is what we were, and needs to hear the Gospel of grace by faith, so that they can become children of GOD, redeemed and reconciled with the Father. We are to minister to the hurting in this world, that they may see Jesus in us, the Hope of Glory. We are to practice true religion in this world, and love all, who made in the image of GOD, need physical and spiritual help in this life, as GOD gives the increase. We are to disciple one another, and share the Good News of Jesus Christ to all who will hear, that they might believe and have life in His Name.
For GOD is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance and the knowledge of the Truth. Jesus loves you and wants to establish a covenant relationship with you that is real and personal. Surrender to Him on His terms and He will give you a brand new life of discipleship and fellowship with Him that is abundant and everlasting. GOD calls you to trust Him and what He has already done for you to pay your sIn debt. He has provided the only way of reconciliation with GOD with forgiveness and Salvation through Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD who is GOD the Son, to give you a new life in Christ. Turn away from yourself and your sIn and turn to Him alone for eternal Life, now and always.
In Christ,
Jefferson Sweet