Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. (Isaiah 1:18-20)
Here in the opening chapter of Isaiah GOD reminds us that He is reasonable, that is we can come to Him as long as we surrender to Him on His terms, and be forgiven. Some might be thinking, how is it reasonable to surrender to Him on His terms?, when it seems so one-sided. But, since GOD is Holy and righteous (and we, apart from Christ are not) He is perfectly just and correct to set the terms of our return to Him when we are the ones who rebelled and still from time to time rebel against Him.
It doesn't matter if we are arguing with Jesus about what He says on divorce, sexual sins, lifestyles or abortion, GOD calls us to repent, trusting Him and obeying His Word.
It doesn't matter if we are disagreeing with Him about how He wants us to serve Him, or where He wants us to serve; GOD calls us to repent and GO where He sends.
It doesn't matter if we are running from the call and commission He has given us, as a deacon, a minister or a teacher; GOD calls us to repent and let Him be what He is, Lord of all.
GOD is really calling us to be reasonable, for we are the rebellious and disobedient sinners. And without Christ and the salvation that He freely offers, you are lost and bound for a devils Hell. GOD is not willing that anyone should perish, so He calls you to come to Him and surrender to His grace, mercy and love.
GOD hasn't changed one bit, since this was written and He has declared that those that remain rebellious and refuse to accept His Word will be destroyed. He offers all who will come a relationship with Him, by Faith in Him and His Word. Respond to His call today.
In Christ,
Jefferson Sweet