Let us remember JESUS.
Let us not be like Zacharias and have doubts.
Let us not be like the inn too busy and too full for HIM.
Let us not be like Herod and Jerusalem intolerant and troubled by HIS Kingship.
Let us not be like the Priests and Scribes knowing the scriptures but indifferent to the Messiah.
Instead, let us join with Gabriel and announce HIS Coming.
Let us join with Mary and surrender to HIS will, pondering all things.
Let us join HIS cousin John and leap for joy.
Let us join the Angel host and proclaim HIS praises.
Let us join the shepherds and find HIM, telling all who will hear of WHOM we have found.
Let us join the wise men and worship CHRIST, presenting ourselves and our gifts to HIM.
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
Jefferson, Glenda, Abigail, and David
The Sweets