But now hath He obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also He is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. For finding fault with them, He saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in My covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. (Heb 8:6-9)
Jesus didn't come to replace the old covenant but to fulfill it and being the only one who kept the whole law He alone is worthy to offer Himself for the sIn of the world. He is the Lamb of GOD slain from the foundation of the world. The seed of the woman foretold in the Old Testament, establishes the covenant in the New Testament.
While He came unto His own, His own rejected Him, but to those of us who have received Him by faith in His finished and perfect work on the Cross of Calvary, is now Salvation freely given by repentance and trust in the only Name whereby we are saved. And there is coming a day, when GOD will turn His attention back to Israel, for He has not abandoned that nation, and Israel and Judah will be redeemed as a nation during the final conflict. He is waiting for all who will come to surrender to Him on His terms.
For GOD is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance and the knowledge of the Truth. Jesus loves you and wants to establish a covenant relationship with you that is real and personal. Trust Him and believe His Word to be born again, and He will give you a brand new life of discipleship and fellowship with Him that is abundant and everlasting. Receive Him today.
In Christ,
Jefferson Sweet