Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, And said unto Him, Art Thou He that should come, or do we look for another? Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me. (Mat 11:2-6)
We see all that Jesus did when He walked this earth, in human form, before He put to death the flesh, and was resurrected and glorified, and it confirms to us who He is. His works and ministry also serves as our example; for Jesus came to do the work which the Father had for Him to do. There were many things that He did that were not written down, and many works which we are not aware of, but the ones He does tell us about, are given that we might know Him. That we might believe that He is the Messiah, the anointed one of GOD, who has power over His creation and over sIn, which was the one thing He didn't bring into this world, we did, when we rebelled against Him.
He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He ministered to those that were in need and hurting physically, spiritually, and emotionally; not just to meet their needs, but to shew Himself strong on behalf of His people, and to glorify the Father who sent Him. Those of us who have trusted in Him, and placed our faith in Jesus Christ and His finished and perfect work on the Cross of Calvary for forgiveness of sIn and Salvation, are made new, and reconciled with the Father, that we might do His will and glorify Him.
Until Jesus Christ takes us Home to be with Him, we are to follow His example, as ministers of reconciliation and do the works He has before ordained that we should walk in them. That does not mean that He has already decided who will be saved, and who will not, but has already determined that His children should do His will and accomplish His work on this earth, as we walk in the Spirit, and His fruit is manifest in us.
We are to minister to those around us as He guides us, as His ambassadors to this lost and dying world. We are to disciple one another in love, and in Truth, through His Word, that others might know that we are His disciples, and that we might grow in Him. We are to take His Gospel wherever He sends us and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all who will hear and believe, that in believing they might have life in His Name.
For GOD is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance and the knowledge of the Truth. Jesus loves you and wants to establish a covenant relationship with you that is real and personal. Surrender to Him on His terms and He will give you a brand new life of discipleship and fellowship with Him that is abundant and everlasting. GOD calls you to trust Him and what He has already done for you to pay your sIn debt. He has provided the only way of reconciliation with GOD with forgiveness and Salvation through Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD who is GOD the Son, to give you a new life in Christ. Turn away from yourself and your sIn and turn to Him alone for eternal Life, now and always.
In Christ,
Jefferson Sweet