Deal bountifully with Thy servant, that I may live, and keep Thy Word. Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy Law. I am a stranger in the earth: hide not Thy Commandments from me. My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto Thy Judgments at all times. Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from Thy Commandments. Remove from me reproach and contempt; for I have kept Thy Testimonies. Princes also did sit and speak against me: but Thy servant did meditate in Thy Statutes. Thy Testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors. (Psalms 119:17-24)
Following the Law won't save us, only Christ and His finished and perfect work on the Cross of Calvary in our place and for our sIn can do that. But for those of us who are saved, keeping His Law, and obeying His Commandments in Spirit and in Truth, is obedience to our Lord and GOD, and worship of the One who has bought us and redeemed us to Himself.
Our level of understanding of His Word is contingent first on our relationship with Him, and then on our Study and His teaching us. The Spirit of GOD will guide us into all Truth, but we must be diligent, and desire His Word more than our necessary food. Most of us eat well, but many Christians are starving spiritually because they don't get enough of the Living Bread and Meat of GOD's Word.
But, it also requires GOD speaking to you through His Word, and He may be telling you that you can't feed from Him until you know Him. Jesus loves you and wants to establish a covenant relationship with you that is real and personal. Surrender to Him on His terms and be born again, and He will give you a brand new life of discipleship and fellowship with Him that is abundant and everlasting. Believe His Word and receive Him by faith that you may live, eternally and abundantly, in His wonderful Word.
In Christ,
Jefferson Sweet