And the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the porters, the singers, the Nethinims, and all they that had separated themselves from the people of the lands unto the Law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, every one having knowledge, and having understanding; They clave to their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curse, and into an oath, to walk in God's Law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord, and His judgments and His statutes; (Neh 10:28-29)
God calls His people, from Israel whom He chose to be lights unto the Gentiles, to the church which is His body and the building He is fitly joining together, to be holy, that is pure and sanctified. We are to be separate from the world and from sin, His peculiar people. We are to be sanctified, set apart because He is holy and without sin. Just as He is holy and perfect, He has decreed that His people are to be holy. We may sin from time to time, but not to remain in sin, for we that is no longer who we are. We may stumble in our walk but as God works in us to transform us through our obedience to His Word we are to get better and grow into His likeness.
We are to eschew evil, continue in repentance and surrender to Him just as we did when we were saved, and strive to grow in Him and become more like Him through His engrafted Word. We are to take His Word, in our hearts that we might not sin against God, and shed abroad that others might believe and be born again. We are not to be of the world, even as we are in it, but set apart because we are the priests of God.
As we grow in Him and learn more of our Lord, we learn that His will for His people is for us to minister to those around us who are hurting and in need, as He provides. We serve, equipped with the Word of reconciliation and righteousness, rightly divided and fitly spoken, that others may see Christ in us, the hope of Glory. Our GOD has commanded us to love one another with an unfeigned love, even as He first loved us, and to disciple one another in the Word of GOD so that we may all grow in grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Our Lord has commissioned those who are His with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to go where He sends us in the power of the Holy Spirit. As we go, we are to proclaim the Good News of forgiveness through repentance and reconciliation with the Father through faith in His Son, that those who believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah of GOD might have life in His Name.
GOD is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance and the knowledge of the Truth. Jesus loves you and wants to establish a covenant relationship with you that is real and personal. Surrender to Him on His terms and He will give you a brand new life of discipleship and fellowship with Him that is abundant and everlasting. GOD calls you to faith in Christ and His finished and perfect work on the Cross of Calvary to pay your sIn debt. He has provided the only way of reconciliation with GOD, forgiveness from GOD, and Salvation through Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD who is GOD the Son, to give you a new life in Christ. Turn away from yourself and your sIn and turn to Him alone for eternal Life, now and always.
In Christ,
Jefferson Sweet